Tuesday, 17 December 2019


He remembered, how keenly he remembered, the surge of thrilling anticipation with which they had embarked on their mission. And along its entire course was dotted every detail of natural formation which his keen memory supplied him with. The two men on the river bank gave no heed to the oppressive heat. For the moment they seemed concerned with nothing but their ease, and the swarming flies, and the voracious attacks of the mosquitoes from which the smoke of their camp fire did its best to protect them. It began, as everything seemed to begin with him now, at that time when he and his young wife had taken their final decision to move northwards where their spiritual desires could find expression in the wilderness of untamed Nature. Now he sat with his great body hunched over the table, and, with poised pen, was at last regarding his completed work. He had been at work for over an hour. brisko sans font

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Brisko Sans is a fully applicable, legible and discrete font family with unique attributes. For the moment they seemed concerned with nothing but their ease, and the swarming flies, and the voracious attacks of the mosquitoes from which the smoke of their camp fire did its best to protect them. He had been at work for over an hour. He missionary had applied himself to his task with that close concentration which betokened the urgency of his desire.

Brisko Sans Bold Italic. It was the drawing of a wide, winding river. The two men on the river bank gave no heed to the oppressive heat.

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A wide panorama of the past swept into his view. Tour de Force Font Foundry. Woodland bluffs were marked with due regard to their extent.

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Everything that could serve to guide the explorer was there set out. He remembered, how keenly he remembered, the surge of thrilling anticipation with which they had embarked on their mission.

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Brisko Sans Regular Italic. Hills were carefully drawn. Brisko Sans is a simple briisko serif font family that comes in 5 weights with matching italics. It is suitable for longer texts, while all weights are good for any other typographic use.

The swelter of heat was of almost tropical intensity.

And along its entire course was dotted every detail of natural formation which his keen memory supplied him with. It began, as everything seemed to begin with him now, at that time when he and his young wife had taken their final decision to move northwards where their spiritual desires could find expression in the wilderness of untamed Nature.

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Every title for each natural feature was inscribed, and one wide stretch of river foreshore was outlined in red ink and inscribed with the words "mouth of creek". The whole font family contains characterful elements to distinguish it from the old standards. The large sheet of paper stared back sasn his darkly brooding eyes, and the careful tracery on its surface spread from one end of it to the other.

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Brisko Sans Black Italic. Font Catalog About Us. Now he sat with his great body hunched over the table, and, with poised pen, was at last regarding his completed work. It is a good recommendation for different kinds of web and print projects.

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